
delivery logs

day-to-day slice-o-life

2-jul-24 23:23
route: 0-11
today went rather well. there wasn't much mail or parcels to case up so i was out on the bay within 35 minutes and on the road by 8:15. i drove the M-van today, which has AC, a radio, power windows, and a cupholder. the air outside was humid with gray skies until the clouds started to clear at around 10:00. the temperature rose steadily past 33°C by midday. i ran the route as usual, stopping into every business to pick up their outgoing deliveries. 0-11 is one of my favorite routes in this city. they're all enjoyable, but this one is especially fun on a light day. finished at 14:36, drove to the large collection boxes at the other end of town, and then delivered a few misthrown parcels. 3 of the misthrows were for Marteen's route(0-8) and the last 2 were for Paula's(0-7). clocked out at 15:57 or so. my ending mileage number today was: 56565.